NMITA Database Organization and Model
A. Full Database Model (under development)
Our full database model was developed by Budd, Golden, and Fortunato (see
Staff) using ERwin 2.1 through consultation with Brenda Ulin (Senior
Systems Analyst, Institutional Data and Data Management (IDDM), Information
Technology Services, Univ. Iowa). It is patterned after the Information
Model for Biological Collections of the Association of Systematic Collections
(ASC) - March 1993 version, and conforms with the Invertebrate
Paleontology Collections (IPC) Model developed at the NSF Collections
Computerization Workshop following NAPC-6 in June 1996. It expands on the
ASC model by adding entities for morphologic characters, measurements,
and illustrations (e.g., photos, drawings & diagrams). It consists
of 71 entities in five major subject areas, for which general descriptions
and entity relationship diagrams are below:
Taxon (entities
associated with TaxonName)
Specimen (entities
associated with CollectingUnit)
Locality (entities
associated with CollectingEvent)
Literature (entities
associated with Publication)
(entities associated with Illustration)
For further documentation of the full NMITA Database Model, see:
Screens for entering data into the full model are currently being developed.
B. Databases used in currently available dynamic searches
During the first stage of the project (through January 2001), dynamic searches
are being developed using several smaller databases whose structure is
based on denormalized versions of the full database model. Because different
contributors have provided different data fields, slightly different models
have been used for each database. Currently available searches include--
For a NMITA Oracle
Programming Manual (by S. P. Jones, April 2000)
Last updated on April 29, 2000-afb.