Porites astreoides Lamarck, 1816.
Photograph: The top photo ia an SEM image of an individual corallite
with a scale bar of 1 mm. The bottom photo is an image of holotype
(MHNP, Lamarck Collection No. 169, "Mers d'Amérique") (Foster,
1986, pl. 15, fig. 1) with a scale bar of approximately 1.0 mm. For a field
Synonyms: None.
Morphologic Description:
Colony Form: plocoid
Colony Shape: massive, mound-shaped
Corallite Distribution: even
Budding Type: extramural
Corallite Diameter: 1.2-1.4 mm
Calical Relief: high, 0.5 mm in elevation
Septa Per Corallite: 12
Relative Septum Length: short ventral septa
Lobes: paliform
Number of Pali: 2-4
Palar Ring: wide, > 40% (short ventral septa)
Columella Structure: trabecular and discontinuous
Columella Development: strong (columella>pali)
Wall Structure: synapticulothecal
Single or Compound Wall: compound, formed by >2 trabeculae
Holotype: MHNP, Lamarck Collection No. 169, "Mers d'Amérique."
early Late Pliocene: Pinecrest Sandstone, Florida; Bowden Formation,
Late Pliocene: Moin Formation, Costa Rica; La Cruz Marl, Cuba.
late Late Pliocene: Old Pera Beds and Hope Gate Formation, Jamaica;
Unda core (BDP), Bahamas.
Plio-Pleistocene: Moin Formation, Costa Rica; Unda core (BDP), Bahamas.
late Late Pliocene to Late Pleistocene: Clino core (BDP), Bahamas.
Early Pleistocene: Manchioneal Formation, Jamaica.
Middle to Late Pleistocene: Unda core (BDP), Bahamas.
Late Pleistocene: San Andrés; Key Largo Formation, Florida.
Recent: Caribbean and Brazil.
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Last updated on May 1, 1998 - vab.