(Figures in parentheses refer to the last 7 days).
Successful requests: 30,175 (9,972)
Average successful requests per day: 973 (1,424)
Successful requests for pages: 21,601 (8,162)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 696 (1,165)
Failed requests: 2,735 (1,024)
Redirected requests: 26 (5)
Distinct files requested: 3,705 (2,557)
Distinct hosts served: 1,725 (568)
Corrupt logfile lines: 2,193
Data transferred: 531,170 kbytes (115,089 kbytes)
Average data transferred per day: 17,135 kbytes (16,441 kbytes)
Each unit () represents 500 requests
for pages, or part thereof.
month: pages: --------: -----: Oct 2000: 21601:Busiest month: Oct 2000 (21,601 requests for pages).
Each unit () represents 80 requests
for pages, or part thereof.
day: pages: ---: -----: Sun: 3344:Mon: 3452:
Tue: 4021:
Wed: 2960:
Thu: 2337:
Fri: 2943:
Sat: 2544:
Each unit () represents 25 requests
for pages, or part thereof.
hr: pages: --: -----: 0: 904:1: 926:
2: 789:
3: 889:
4: 1036:
5: 1095:
6: 820:
7: 871:
8: 947:
9: 916:
10: 1214:
11: 870:
12: 873:
13: 782:
14: 729:
15: 943:
16: 868:
17: 715:
18: 1132:
19: 791:
20: 835:
21: 786:
22: 994:
23: 876:
Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.
#reqs: %bytes: domain -----: ------: ------ 19193: 32.56%: .com (Commercial) 5519: 24.50%: [unresolved numerical addresses] 1520: 15.14%: .net (Network) 1732: 7.05%: .edu (USA Educational) 350: 3.12%: .us (United States) 181: 2.01%: .uk (United Kingdom) 198: 1.88%: .ca (Canada) 119: 1.72%: .es (Spain) 166: 1.24%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations) 93: 1.10%: .it (Italy) 98: 1.10%: .au (Australia) 100: 1.08%: .br (Brazil) 116: 0.93%: .fr (France) 120: 0.82%: .mx (Mexico) 113: 0.79%: .nl (Netherlands) 64: 0.79%: .de (Germany) 50: 0.65%: .pt (Portugal) 25: 0.58%: .jp (Japan) 82: 0.48%: .mil (USA Military) 31: 0.30%: .ch (Switzerland) 22: 0.28%: .sk (Slovak Republic) 12: 0.18%: .ar (Argentina) 56: 0.18%: .co (Colombia) 24: 0.15%: .cl (Chile) 19: 0.13%: .nz (New Zealand) 19: 0.12%: .at (Austria) 14: 0.12%: .be (Belgium) 9: 0.09%: .my (Malaysia) 7: 0.08%: .sa (Saudi Arabia) 7: 0.07%: .kr (South Korea) 9: 0.07%: .dk (Denmark) 5: 0.07%: .pl (Poland) 5: 0.06%: .id (Indonesia) 7: 0.06%: .hr (Croatia) 3: 0.05%: .gr (Greece) 4: 0.05%: .fi (Finland) 4: 0.04%: .cz (Czech Republic) 6: 0.04%: .nu (Niue) 2: 0.04%: .in (India) 2: 0.03%: .ve (Venezuela) 12: 0.03%: .tw (Taiwan) 12: 0.02%: .se (Sweden) 2: 0.02%: .uy (Uruguay) 3: 0.02%: .ie (Ireland) 3: 0.02%: .ae (United Arab Emirates) 3: 0.02%: .si (Slovenia) 1: 0.02%: .sg (Singapore) 1: 0.02%: .cu (Cuba) 2: 0.02%: .gov (USA Government) 1: 0.02%: .ro (Romania) 1: 0.02%: .lu (Luxembourg) 2: 0.02%: .hk (Hong Kong) 2: 0.01%: .ir (Iran) 2: 0.01%: .ru (Russia) 1: : .ee (Estonia) 12: : .is (Iceland) 2: : .no (Norway) 1: : .hu (Hungary) 4: : .jm (Jamaica) 2: : .pe (Peru)
Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
#reqs: %bytes: directory -----: ------: --------- 22215: 60.89%: /database/ 5587: 29.93%: [root directory] 400: 3.61%: /~prinpal/ 406: 1.67%: /webstats/ 561: 1.31%: /~evol/ 443: 1.13%: /oligcorl/ 323: 1.09%: /localities/ 113: 0.22%: /jp/ 127: 0.14%: /molwrksh/
Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
#reqs: %bytes: extension -----: ------: --------- 8166: 83.83%: .images [GIF graphics] 20485: 6.88%: .htm [Hypertext Markup Language] 296: 4.33%: .jpg [JPEG graphics] 70: 2.07%: .txt [Plain text] 542: 1.98%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language] 16: 0.78%: .xls 600: 0.12%: [not listed: 7 extensions]
size: #reqs: %bytes: -----------: -----: ------: 0: 6002: : 1b- 10b: 0: : 11b- 100b: 58: : 101b- 1kb: 6608: 0.79%: 1kb- 10kb: 11188: 5.65%: 10kb-100kb: 5358: 57.24%: 100kb- 1Mb: 961: 36.32%:
Listing status codes, sorted numerically.
#reqs: status code -----: ----------- 27007: 200 OK 26: 301 Document moved permanently 3168: 304 Not modified since last retrieval 5: 400 Bad request 2637: 404 Document not found 1: 406 Document not acceptable to client 76: 500 Internal server error 16: 501 Request type not supported
Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.
#reqs: %bytes: last date: file -----: ------: ---------------: ---- 1225: 15.93%: 31/Oct/00 22:36: /nmitalog.gif 480: 0.05%: 31/Oct/00 23:04: / 328: 2.32%: 31/Oct/00 22:04: /bryoz.gif 310: 4.42%: 31/Oct/00 21:59: /database/nmitalog.gif 291: 1.87%: 31/Oct/00 22:04: /phispa.gif 285: 1.62%: 31/Oct/00 22:36: /mannula.gif 277: 2.13%: 31/Oct/00 22:36: /nmitamap.gif 231: 0.40%: 31/Oct/00 22:04: /bivalve.gif 202: 2.95%: 31/Oct/00 17:02: /database/bivalves/nmitalog.gif 198: 0.13%: 31/Oct/00 22:04: /gastrop.gif 194: 0.41%: 31/Oct/00 22:04: /parant.gif 184: 0.10%: 31/Oct/00 22:04: /mainleft.htm 170: 0.21%: 31/Oct/00 22:04: /benthic.gif 170: 0.02%: 31/Oct/00 22:07: /database/bryozoa/systemat/backto.htm 164: 0.14%: 31/Oct/00 22:04: /teleost2.jpg 163: 0.11%: 31/Oct/00 22:04: /mainrght.htm 147: 0.06%: 31/Oct/00 19:40: /database/bivalves/bivalmnu.htm 143: 2.73%: 31/Oct/00 22:05: /database/corals/crlmn.gif 139: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 22:04: /index.htm 116: 1.53%: 31/Oct/00 16:30: /database/corals/systemat/nmitalog.gif 106: 0.28%: 31/Oct/00 17:01: /database/bivalves/bivalve.gif 104: 0.02%: 31/Oct/00 20:44: /database/ostracod/ostramnu.htm 93: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 22:05: /database/corals/coralmnu.htm 86: 1.30%: 31/Oct/00 13:50: /database/bryozoa/systemat/nmitalog.gif 75: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 22:05: /database/corals/zoomnpic.htm 68: 0.02%: 31/Oct/00 20:55: /database/mollusc/mollsmnu.htm 66: 0.07%: 31/Oct/00 16:05: /database/bivalves/systemat/bivaltax.htm 65: 0.06%: 31/Oct/00 22:04: /database/corals/glossary/glossmnu.htm 62: 0.98%: 31/Oct/00 19:29: /database/teleost/nmitalog.gif 62: 0.93%: 31/Oct/00 16:32: /database/corals/nmitalog.gif 60: 0.06%: 31/Oct/00 20:44: /database/ostracod/ostracod.gif 58: 2.58%: 31/Oct/00 23:45: /~prinpal/genft.gif 56: 0.04%: 31/Oct/00 21:59: /database/corals/zoomntxt.htm 55: 0.07%: 31/Oct/00 21:25: /database/mollusc/systemat/gastrtax.htm 55: 0.05%: 31/Oct/00 20:35: /database/ostracod/systemat/systemat.htm 55: 0.01%: 30/Oct/00 05:28: /database/bryozoa/systemat/hippansp.htm 54: : 31/Oct/00 16:37: /database/corals/systemat/zooback.htm 53: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 12:50: /database/bryozoa/brymntxt.htm 52: 0.01%: 29/Oct/00 02:44: /jp/ 48: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 12:50: /database/bryozoa/brymnsc.htm 48: 0.02%: 31/Oct/00 12:35: /flobay1.htm 46: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 20:40: /database/corals/glossary/comorph.htm 44: 0.02%: 31/Oct/00 12:52: /database/ahermcrl/ahermmnu.htm 43: 1.27%: 31/Oct/00 20:10: /fldplblg.gif 42: : 31/Oct/00 16:30: /database/corals/systemat/systemat.htm 42: 0.08%: 31/Oct/00 12:44: /database/mollusc/gastrop.gif 41: 0.03%: 30/Oct/00 05:32: /~evol/evollink.htm 40: 0.66%: 31/Oct/00 12:50: /database/bryozoa/nmitalog.gif 39: : 29/Oct/00 15:31: /database/bryozoa/systemat/hippnspb.htm 38: : 31/Oct/00 12:50: /database/bryozoa/brymnpic.htm 38: 1.23%: 31/Oct/00 11:00: /database/corals/specdata/cosric.txt 37: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 17:11: /idstep1.htm 37: : 31/Oct/00 12:50: /database/bryozoa/systemat/bryret.htm 37: 0.02%: 31/Oct/00 12:54: /database/teleost/teleomnu.htm 37: 0.03%: 31/Oct/00 04:13: /florlist.htm 37: : 31/Oct/00 23:45: /~prinpal/whitemarb.gif 35: 0.56%: 31/Oct/00 12:52: /database/ahermcrl/nmitalog.gif 35: 0.02%: 31/Oct/00 22:24: /nmita.htm 35: 0.79%: 31/Oct/00 12:50: /database/bryozoa/metraten.gif 34: 0.02%: 31/Oct/00 16:30: /database/corals/systemat/zootaxal.htm 34: : 31/Oct/00 16:30: /database/corals/systemat/zooret.htm 34: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 22:04: /database/corals/glossary/nmitalog.gif 34: : 31/Oct/00 23:09: /database/corals/systemat/nmlogo.htm 33: 0.16%: 31/Oct/00 05:20: /jp/logo.jpg 33: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 16:30: /database/corals/systemat/zootaxar.htm 33: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 17:17: /database/bryozoa/systemat/coleop.htm 33: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 12:56: /localities/rcgmcomp.html 32: 0.02%: 31/Oct/00 07:01: /database/corals/systemat/ffragum.htm 32: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 07:11: /idstep2.htm 31: 0.01%: 29/Oct/00 14:00: /database/bryozoa/systemat/canda.htm 31: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 02:20: /database/ostracod/contrib/ostcontr.htm 31: 0.49%: 31/Oct/00 12:52: /database/ahermcrl/systemat/nmitalog.gif 31: 0.05%: 31/Oct/00 11:02: /database/corals/crlloc.htm 30: : 31/Oct/00 12:50: /database/bryozoa/systemat/brytaxa.htm 30: 0.01%: 30/Oct/00 05:32: /~evol/evolfld.htm 30: : 31/Oct/00 10:07: /database/corals/contrib/corcontr.htm 30: 0.02%: 30/Oct/00 06:10: /database/corals/glossary/budding.htm 30: 0.02%: 31/Oct/00 04:16: /database/corals/identool/taxonkey.htm 29: 0.46%: 29/Oct/00 20:06: /oligcorl/nmitalog.gif 29: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 16:46: /database/bryozoa/systemat/adeonell.htm 29: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 12:53: /database/bforam/bforam.htm 28: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 11:03: /tegen.htm 28: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 19:50: /database/mollusc/systbibl/mollbibl.htm 28: 0.06%: 31/Oct/00 16:06: /database/bivalves/systemat/bivalgen.htm 28: 0.01%: 30/Oct/00 15:44: /database/corals/glossary/clshape.htm 28: : 31/Oct/00 12:55: /seedr.htm 28: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 12:50: /database/bryozoa/systemat/brytaxaa.htm 27: : 31/Oct/00 12:50: /database/bryozoa/systemat/brytaxab.htm 27: 0.12%: 31/Oct/00 12:54: /database/teleost/teleo.htm 27: : 29/Oct/00 17:50: /database/corals/oldglossary/attached.htm 27: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 05:17: /database/corals/systemat/lepseris.htm 27: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 16:06: /database/bivalves/systbibl/mollbibl.htm 27: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 11:40: /database/corals/systemat/mussa.htm 26: 0.08%: 28/Oct/00 17:21: /webstats/dec98log.html 26: : 31/Oct/00 12:50: /database/bryozoa/systemat/bryscrl1.htm 26: 0.01%: 30/Oct/00 11:29: /database/corals/specdata/choices.htm 26: : 30/Oct/00 09:04: /database/ostracod/systemat/orionina.htm 26: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 04:13: /flortax.htm 26: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 07:20: /database/corals/glossary/lobes.htm 26: 0.03%: 31/Oct/00 12:53: /database/bforam/systemat/bfortax.htm 26: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 13:05: /database/bryozoa/systemat/cellaria.htm 25: : 31/Oct/00 14:40: /database/corals/systemat/acervirn.htm 25: : 31/Oct/00 11:00: /database/corals/systemat/apalmata.htm 25: : 31/Oct/00 06:40: /database/corals/identool/stylform.htm 25: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 13:00: /database/corals/glossary/glosc2.htm 25: 0.09%: 31/Oct/00 02:37: /card.htm 24: 0.01%: 29/Oct/00 15:51: /database/bryozoa/systemat/copodozo.htm 24: 0.01%: 30/Oct/00 09:16: /idkeys.htm 24: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 20:35: /database/bryozoa/systemat/tremog.htm 24: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 12:53: /database/ostracod/systemat/paranesi.htm 24: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 07:19: /database/corals/glossary/nsepta.htm 24: 0.03%: 31/Oct/00 12:52: /database/ahermcrl/systemat/ahermtax.htm 24: 0.01%: 30/Oct/00 22:32: /database/bryozoa/systemat/micropor.htm 24: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 12:41: /database/bivalves/contrib/bivcontr.htm 24: : 31/Oct/00 01:41: /database/bryozoa/systemat/cellmaga.htm 24: : 31/Oct/00 14:40: /database/corals/systemat/acervira.htm 24: 0.02%: 29/Oct/00 22:15: /database/corals/glossary/clform.htm 23: 0.01%: 30/Oct/00 21:09: /database/corals/glossary/glosd1.htm 23: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 11:01: /database/corals/systemat/acropora.htm 23: : 29/Oct/00 23:47: /database/bryozoa/systemat/creplngb.htm 23: : 31/Oct/00 23:45: /~prinpal/pic7.gif 23: : 29/Oct/00 21:22: /database/bryozoa/systemat/celafbsb.htm 23: 0.08%: 31/Oct/00 12:54: /database/teleost/anchoa1.jpg 23: : 31/Oct/00 06:35: /database/bryozoa/systemat/metracol.htm 23: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 12:50: /database/mollusc/contrib/molcontr.htm 23: 0.02%: 31/Oct/00 02:38: /nmtdbmdl.htm 22: : 31/Oct/00 20:21: /database/bryozoa/systemat/hipacua.htm 22: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 13:53: /database/corals/glossary/glosa11.htm 22: 0.02%: 31/Oct/00 15:53: /~evol/ 22: 0.02%: 31/Oct/00 13:50: /ppp.htm 22: : 29/Oct/00 17:20: /database/bryozoa/systemat/callospa.htm 22: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 12:49: /database/mollusc/systemat/bifurc.htm 22: : 31/Oct/00 12:15: /database/bryozoa/systemat/brybibpi.htm 22: : 31/Oct/00 06:52: /database/ostracod/systemat/radcon2.htm 22: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 15:32: /database/corals/glossary/glose1.htm 22: 0.01%: 30/Oct/00 23:43: /database/corals/glossary/clsize.htm 22: : 31/Oct/00 16:37: /database/corals/systemat/mannula.htm 21: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 09:48: /database/corals/glossary/glosc4.htm 21: 0.01%: 30/Oct/00 10:57: /database/corals/glossary/columell.htm 21: : 31/Oct/00 16:37: /database/corals/systemat/mannulaa.htm 21: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 14:40: /database/corals/systemat/acervirb.htm 21: 0.01%: 27/Oct/00 23:03: /database/corals/systemat/ssidera.htm 21: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 19:51: /database/corals/glossary/colline.htm 21: : 29/Oct/00 14:13: /database/bryozoa/systemat/dreptbeb.htm 21: : 31/Oct/00 16:38: /database/corals/systemat/mfranksb.htm 21: 0.02%: 30/Oct/00 19:55: /database/corals/systemat/porites1.htm 21: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 20:12: /database/mollusc/systemat/nuestra2.htm 21: : 31/Oct/00 06:52: /database/bryozoa/systemat/labafdum.htm 21: : 30/Oct/00 01:33: /database/corals/systemat/simprcl.htm 21: : 30/Oct/00 19:55: /database/corals/systemat/pastreod.htm 21: : 31/Oct/00 12:54: /database/teleost/otoliths.htm 21: 0.01%: 30/Oct/00 02:59: /database/corals/glossary/glosd4.htm 20: : 31/Oct/00 16:11: /database/corals/systemat/odiffus.htm 20: : 31/Oct/00 12:45: /database/mollusc/systemat/strbgnra.htm 20: : 30/Oct/00 09:55: /database/ostracod/systemat/radimell.htm 20: 0.01%: 30/Oct/00 04:16: /database/corals/glossary/crsize2.htm 20: 0.05%: 31/Oct/00 12:52: /database/ahermcrl/ahermsm.gif 20: 0.01%: 30/Oct/00 14:01: /~prinpal/ 20: 0.21%: 31/Oct/00 13:52: /database/bryozoa/systemat/nelten.gif 20: : 31/Oct/00 16:55: /database/corals/systemat/apalmaa.htm 20: 0.04%: 31/Oct/00 12:19: /database/bryozoa/systemat/brybibtx.htm 20: : 29/Oct/00 09:24: /database/bryozoa/systemat/thabiper.htm 20: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 08:26: /database/corals/glossary/glose7.htm 20: : 31/Oct/00 06:45: /database/corals/systemat/odiffusb.htm 20: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 04:15: /florunkn.htm 20: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 16:37: /database/corals/systemat/mannulab.htm 20: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 12:48: /database/mollusc/systemat/sincolas.htm 20: 0.01%: 30/Oct/00 14:47: /database/corals/glossary/atthfree.htm 20: : 30/Oct/00 09:10: /database/ostracod/systemat/hermanit.htm 20: 0.01%: 30/Oct/00 12:09: /taxa.htm 20: 0.24%: 31/Oct/00 14:40: /database/corals/systemat/acervsem.gif 20: 0.01%: 31/Oct/00 12:45: /database/mollusc/systemat/strombin.htm 20: : 31/Oct/00 06:18: /database/bryozoa/systemat/bryconpi.htm 20: 0.01%: 30/Oct/00 17:14: /database/ostracod/systemat/cytherop.htm 20: 0.01%: 30/Oct/00 22:20: /database/corals/glossary/smargins.htm 20: 0.01%: 30/Oct/00 15:05: /database/ostracod/systemat/puriana.htm 20: : 31/Oct/00 11:53: /database/corals/systemat/carbus.htm 20: 0.04%: 29/Oct/00 16:36: /drprojct.htm 20: 0.16%: 28/Oct/00 18:05: /webstats/mar99log.html 20: : 30/Oct/00 19:54: /database/ostracod/systemat/argilloe.htm 20: 0.02%: 27/Oct/00 15:19: /nmtstaff.htm 19710: 48.41%: 31/Oct/00 23:58: [not listed: 3,524 files]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)