Successful requests: 6,225
Average successful requests per day: 327
Successful requests for pages: 3,588
Average successful requests for pages per day: 188
Failed requests: 832
Redirected requests: 9
Distinct files requested: 2,050
Distinct hosts served: 458
Corrupt logfile lines: 1,866
Data transferred: 137,978 kbytes
Average data transferred per day: 7,264 kbytes
Each unit () represents 80 requests
for pages, or part thereof.
month: pages: --------: -----: Aug 1999: 3588:Busiest month: Aug 1999 (3,588 requests for pages).
Each unit () represents 20 requests
for pages, or part thereof.
day: pages: ---: -----: Sun: 341:Mon: 988:
Tue: 994:
Wed: 435:
Thu: 337:
Fri: 358:
Sat: 135:
Each unit () represents 8 requests
for pages, or part thereof.
hr: pages: --: -----: 0: 146:1: 121:
2: 76:
3: 66:
4: 74:
5: 116:
6: 99:
7: 80:
8: 147:
9: 107:
10: 87:
11: 107:
12: 110:
13: 76:
14: 262:
15: 133:
16: 181:
17: 143:
18: 100:
19: 88:
20: 143:
21: 391:
22: 405:
23: 330:
Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.
#reqs: %bytes: domain -----: ------: ------ 2863: 42.33%: .com (Commercial) 1024: 13.72%: [unresolved numerical addresses] 1356: 10.13%: .edu (USA Educational) 312: 9.83%: .net (Network) 113: 4.96%: .au (Australia) 68: 2.37%: .gov (USA Government) 36: 1.97%: .br (Brazil) 84: 1.48%: .ve (Venezuela) 25: 1.48%: .de (Germany) 30: 1.38%: .it (Italy) 25: 0.99%: .uk (United Kingdom) 12: 0.78%: .su (Former USSR) 37: 0.65%: .my (Malaysia) 18: 0.64%: .es (Spain) 12: 0.61%: .mz (Mozambique) 18: 0.53%: .mil (USA Military) 26: 0.50%: .il (Israel) 10: 0.49%: .mx (Mexico) 11: 0.46%: .sa (Saudi Arabia) 7: 0.43%: .ie (Ireland) 15: 0.41%: .nl (Netherlands) 8: 0.41%: .ar (Argentina) 8: 0.41%: .pt (Portugal) 7: 0.33%: .be (Belgium) 13: 0.33%: .us (United States) 9: 0.30%: .no (Norway) 29: 0.26%: .fr (France) 4: 0.26%: .co (Colombia) 2: 0.25%: .cl (Chile) 7: 0.22%: .ca (Canada) 9: 0.20%: .ch (Switzerland) 3: 0.14%: .in (India) 3: 0.13%: .nz (New Zealand) 2: 0.13%: .fi (Finland) 1: 0.13%: .tw (Taiwan) 3: 0.11%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations) 2: 0.07%: .ae (United Arab Emirates) 1: 0.06%: .uy (Uruguay) 3: 0.06%: .ru (Russia) 7: 0.03%: .bg (Bulgaria) 2: 0.02%: .sg (Singapore)
Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
#reqs: %bytes: directory -----: ------: --------- 3746: 51.04%: /database/ 2053: 29.98%: [root directory] 171: 15.71%: /~prinpal/ 117: 2.23%: /oligcorl/ 112: 0.95%: /jp/ 8: 0.04%: /molwrksh/ 18: 0.03%: /webstats/
Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
#reqs: %bytes: extension -----: ------: --------- 2488: 84.86%: .images [GIF graphics] 4: 9.29%: .tif 3324: 3.18%: .htm [Hypertext Markup Language] 126: 0.85%: .jpg [JPEG graphics] 6: 0.73%: .txt [Plain text] 3: 0.66%: .xls 23: 0.28%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language] 241: 0.12%: [directories] 10: 0.02%: [not listed: 8 extensions]
size: #reqs: %bytes: -----------: -----: ------: 0: 2550: : 1b- 10b: 0: : 11b- 100b: 27: : 101b- 1kb: 692: 0.33%: 1kb- 10kb: 1367: 2.91%: 10kb-100kb: 1388: 58.84%: 100kb- 1Mb: 197: 28.62%: 1Mb- 10Mb: 4: 9.29%:
Listing status codes, sorted numerically.
#reqs: status code -----: ----------- 4919: 200 OK 9: 301 Document moved permanently 1306: 304 Not modified since last retrieval 2: 400 Bad request 819: 404 Document not found 8: 406 Document not acceptable to client 3: 501 Request type not supported
Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.
#reqs: %bytes: last date: file -----: ------: ---------------: ---- 374: 15.19%: 31/Aug/99 22:28: /nmitalog.gif 200: 0.06%: 31/Aug/99 22:10: / 139: 2.92%: 31/Aug/99 22:28: /bryoz.gif 127: 2.15%: 31/Aug/99 22:28: /phispa.gif 126: 2.56%: 31/Aug/99 22:28: /nmitamap.gif 115: 0.05%: 31/Aug/99 22:23: /mainleft.htm 113: 0.05%: 31/Aug/99 21:37: /mainrght.htm 110: 1.43%: 31/Aug/99 22:28: /mannula.gif 110: 0.59%: 31/Aug/99 22:28: /bivalve.gif 93: 0.15%: 31/Aug/99 22:28: /gastrop.gif 90: 0.40%: 31/Aug/99 22:28: /parant.gif 85: 0.21%: 31/Aug/99 22:28: /benthic.gif 79: 4.87%: 31/Aug/99 18:29: /database/nmitalog.gif 75: 0.06%: 31/Aug/99 22:28: /teleost2.jpg 64: 3.76%: 31/Aug/99 18:30: /database/bivalves/nmitalog.gif 53: 0.01%: 31/Aug/99 23:04: /database/bryozoa/brymnsc.htm 48: 1.17%: 31/Aug/99 18:34: /database/bryozoa/nmitalog.gif 48: 1.65%: 31/Aug/99 18:34: /database/bryozoa/metraten.gif 41: 0.62%: 31/Aug/99 09:26: /jp/logo.jpg 39: 0.01%: 31/Aug/99 23:30: /database/bryozoa/brymntxt.htm 38: : 31/Aug/99 10:49: /database/bryozoa/brymnpic.htm 33: 1.82%: 28/Aug/99 04:53: /database/bryozoa/systemat/nmitalog.gif 27: 3.38%: 31/Aug/99 22:35: /fldplblg.gif 27: 0.29%: 30/Aug/99 09:03: /database/bivalves/bivalve.gif 26: 0.05%: 31/Aug/99 05:19: /jp/ 25: 2.13%: 31/Aug/99 18:29: /database/corals/crlmn.gif 24: 0.02%: 31/Aug/99 23:45: /database/ostracod/ostramnu.htm 23: 5.08%: 31/Aug/99 18:09: /~prinpal/genft.gif 23: 0.02%: 31/Aug/99 22:41: /database/bivalves/bivalmnu.htm 3850: 49.31%: 31/Aug/99 23:59: [not listed: 2,021 files]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)