Rio Gurabo Section: from 387-430 m
Foraminiferal Zone: ?Globorotalia humerosa up to approx.
390 m then Globorotalia margaritae zone.
Nannofossil Zone: NN11 up to approx. 390 m then NN12.
General Description: Massive calcareous silts, rich in microfossils,
with scattered molluscs and infrequent corals. Thin continuous beds and
lenses of shell or coral debris, sometimes with a sandy matrix. Infrequent
Zooxanthellate Corals
Stylophora granulata
Duncan, 1964.
Stylophora minor
Duncan, 1963.
Madracis decactis
(Lyman, 1859).
Madracis decaseptata
(Wesibord, 1971).
Madracis mirabilis
(Duchassaing and Michelotti, 1860).
Undaria agaricites
(Linnaeus, 1758).
Pavona sp. B.
Leptoseris cailleti
(Duchassaing and Michelotti, 1866).
Leptoseris gardineri
(van der Horst, 1921).
Porites baracoaensis
Vaughan, 1919.
Manicina (Teleiophyllia) grandis (Duncan, 1864).
Manicina (Teleiophyllia) navicula (Duncan, 1864).
Manicina (Teleiophyllia) n. sp. B.
Montastraea brevis (Duncan, 1864).
Montastraea cavernosa (Linnaeus, 1767) morph 2 of Budd, 1993.
Trachyphyllia bilobata (Duncan, 1863).
Meandrina (Placocyathus) costatus Duncan, 1864.
Meandrina (Placocyathus) trinitatis Vaughan in Vaughan and Hoffmeister,
Meandrina (Placocyathus) variabilis Duncan, 1864.
Dichocoenia tuberosa Duncan, 1863.
Antillia dentata Duncan, 1864.
Eusmilia sp. A.
Strombinid gastropods
Ambocythere exilis
Argilloecia vespa
n. sp.
Argilloecia sp. cf. A. vespa n. sp.
Argilloecia sp. 1.
Argilloecia sp. 2.
Argilloecia sp. 3.
Argilloecia sp.
Bairdia sp. aff. B. formosa Brady.
Bairdia longisetosa Brady.
Bairdia sp.
Bairdia longisetosa Brady.
Brachycthere sp. aff B. russelliHowe and Lea.
Bythoceratina monoceros n. sp.
Bythocypris sp.
Cativella navis Coryell and Fields.
Caudites nipeensis
Caudites rectangularis
Caudites sp.
Coquimba congestocostata
Costa bellipulex Levinson.
Costa dohmi Bold.
Cytherella sp. aff. C. pulchra Brady.
Cytherella sp. aff. C. vulgata Ruggieri.
Cytherella sp. A.
Cytheropteron (Aversovalva) bijuduvali n. sp.
Cytheropteron (Cytheropteron) dominicanum n. sp.
(Cytheropteron) guraboense n. sp.
Cytheropteron (Lobosocytheropteron) palton Bold.
Cytherura sp. A.
Cytherura sp. C.
Cytherura sp. G.
Eucytherura ex gr. complexa(Brady).
Euctherura sp. A.
Euctherura sp. B.
Euctherura sp. C.
Euctherura sp. C.
Euctherura sp. C.
Gangamocytheridea? plicata Bold.
bradyi (Puri).
Hermanites hornibrooki
pannosa (Brady).
Kangarina depressa Bold.
Kangarina quellita Coryell and Fields.
Krithe dolichodeira Bold.
Krithe lambi Bold.
Loxoconcha (Loxoconcha) forda Bold.
Loxoconcha (Loxoconcha) spinoalata Bold.
Loxoconcha (Loxocorniculum) dorsotuberculata (Brady).
Loxoconcha (Loxocorniculum) fischeri (Brady).
Loxoconcha (Palmoconcha) banesensis (Bold).
Macrocyprina sp.
Microcythere howei (Puri).
Occultocythereis angusta Bold.
Paracytheridea calcitrapa n.sp.
Paracytheridea tschoppi Bold
Paracytheridea sp. A.
Paradoxostomasp. 2.
Paranesidea antillea
Pedicythere variabilis n. sp.
Phlyctocythere curva n. sp.
Phlyctocythere stricta n. sp.
Phlyctocythere sp. 2.
Pontocypris ex gr. dreikanter (Coryell and Fields).
Pontocypris sp.
varaderoensis Lubimova and Sanchez.
Proteoconcha? evai n. sp.
Pseudoceratina droogeri Bold.
Pseudopsammocythere ed gr. vicksburgensis (Howe and Law).
Pterygocythereis llinasi n. sp.
Pterygocythereis polita Bold.
Puriana gatunensis (Coryell and Fields).
Radimella confragosa
Radimella confragosa (Edwards) form A.
Radimella ovata
n. sp.
Sclerchilus sp.
Semicythereura sp. aff. S. arayaensis Bold.
Triangulocypris pachyconcha (Bold).
Xestoleberis antillea n. sp.
duo n. sp.
Xestoleberis punctata Tressler?