Rio Gurabo Section: from 740-770 m
Foraminiferal Zone: Globorotalia miocenica zone.
Nannofossil Zone: NN14-NN15
General Description: Interbedded hard silts with packed coral
debris and softer highly fossiliferous calcareous silts with abundant microfossils.
Rare pebble beds.
Zooxanthellate Corals
Strombinid gastropods
Ambocythere exilis
Argilloecia vespa
n. sp.
Argilloecia sp. cf. A. vespa n. sp.
Argilloecia sp. 1.
Argilloecia sp. 2.
Argilloecia sp. 3.
Argilloecia sp.
Bairdia sp. aff. B. formosa Brady.
Bairdia longisetosa Brady.
Bairdia sp.
Bairdoppilata oblongata (Bold).
Caribella yoni (Puri).
Caudites nipeensis
Caudites sp.
Coquimba minuta (Bold).
Costa dohmi Bold.
Cytherella dominicana Bold.
Cytherella sp. aff. C. semitalis Brady
Cytherella sp. aff. C. vulgata Ruggieri
Cytheretta dominicana (Bold).
Cytheropteron (Aversovalva) bijuduvali n. sp.
Cytheropteron (Cytheropteron) dominicanum n. sp.
(Cytheropteron) guraboense n. sp.
Cytheropteron (Lobosocytheropteron) palton Bold.
Cytherura sp. A.
Echinocythereis madremaestrae n. sp.
Eucytherura ex gr. complexa(Brady).
Eucytherura sp. E.
Gangamocytheridea? plicata Bold.
Heinia sp. aff. H. howei Bold.
Hermanites hornibrooki (Puri).
Jugocythereis pannosa(Brady).
Kangarina depressa Bold.
Kangarina sp.
Krithe dolichodeira Bold.
Loxoconcha (Loxoconcha) forda Bold.
Loxoconcha (Loxoconcha) spinoalata Bold.
Loxoconcha (Loxocorniculum) dorsotuberculata (Brady).
Loxoconcha (Loxocorniculum) fischeri (Brady).
Loxoconcha (Loxocorniculum) tricornata (Krutak).
Loxoconcha (Palmoconcha) banesensis Bold.
Loxoconcha (Touroconcha) lapidiscola Hartmann?
Macrocyprina sp.
Macrocypris sp. 1.
Macrocypris sp. 2.
Munseyella saundersin. sp.
Neocaudites scottae Teeter.
Occultocythereis angusta Bold.
Orionina serrulata (Brady).
Paracytheridea altila Edwards.
Paracytheridea tschoppi Bold
Paradoxostoma sp. 1.
Paradoxostoma sp. 2.
Parakrithe alta n. sp.
Paranesidea antillea (Bold).
Paranesidea dimorpha (Bold).
Pedicythere variabilis n. sp.
Perissocytheridea sp.
Phlyctocythere curvan. sp.
Phlyctocythere rectan. sp.
Phlyctocythere sp. 1.
varaderoensis Lubimova and Sanchez.
Pseudopsammocythere ex. gr. vicksburgensis (Howe and Law).
Pterygocythereis polita Bold.
Puriana gatunensis (Coryell and Fields).
Puriana pustulosa Bold.
Radimella confragosa
Radimella confragosa (Edwards) form A.
Semicythereura sp. A.
Trachyleberidea mammidentata (Bold).
Triangulocypris pachyconcha (Bold).
Uroleberis torquata Bold.
Uroleberis torquata Bold.
Xestoleberis antillea n. sp.
duo n. sp.
Xestoleberis punctata Tressler?
Xestoleberis sp. 1.
Xestoleberis sp. 3.
Xestoleberis sp. E.
Xestoleberis sp.
Xiphichilus sp.