Enriquillo Valley
Locality 4: Holocene, ~ 9020 - 4760 BPFaunal List (reef corals only)
Acropora cervicornis [branching]
Agaricia lamarcki [plates]
Undaria agaricites [mostly plates]
Colpophyllia natans [massive/mound]
Dichocoenia stokesi [massive/mound]
Eusmilia fastigata [branching]
Helioseris cucullata [plates]
Montastraea "annularis" [massive/mound]
Madracis mirabilis [branching]
Manicina areolata [freeliving]
Mussa angulosa [branching]
Montastraea cavernosa [massive/mound]
Oculina diffusa [branching]
Porites astreoides [massive/mound]
Porites divaricata [branching]
Porites furcata [branching]
Porites porites [branching]
Siderastrea siderea [massive/mound]
Stephancoenia intersepta [massive/mound]
Modified after: Stemann, T.A. and K.G. Johnson, 1992. Coral assemblages, biofacies, and ecological zones in the mid-Holocene reef deposits of the Enriquillo Valley. Lethaia 25: 231-241.