Morphologic Description: Carapace subquadrate, elongate. Anterior end broadly rounded, strongly denticulate, with a well-developed marginal rim; posterior end compressed and subtriangular, with a tuft of six to seven spines. Dorsal margin broken into a jagged line; ventral margin irregularly wavy. Surface of the carapace ornamented with two to three longitudinal ridges; surface between the longitudinal ridges smooth, pitted or reticulate. Marginal areas broad, with a lipline; marginal pore canals numerous, long and straight. Muscle scar pattern consists of three oval scars arranged in an arcuate manner; three additional scars in front. Hinge of the LV with a smooth anterior tooth, a postjacent socket and a posterior socket connected by thick bar with the elements of the anterior hingement. RV complementary with anterior and posterior teeth simple. [Cythereis bicarinata Swain, 1946] (Puri, 1957, p. 200, pl. 12, fig. 11-20).
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