Morphologic Description: Carapace small, bilamellar, anterior margin broadly rounded but pointed in dorsal view, widening backward strongly, posterior margin usually with subdorsal caudal process; RV overhanging LV along dorsal margin; ornament variable, irregularly ribbed, reticulate, or punctate; eyes present in living forms; eye tuburcles very feeble if developed. Adductor muscle scars in vertical row of four with another scar in front of most dorsal and two irregular scars in front of this one; two elongated mandibular scars at anteroventral angle; anterior and posterior parts of zone of concrescence extremely broad, internal margin and line of concrescence mostly coincident; radial pore canals few, unbranched, long, thin; normal pore canals open; RV hinge with two terminal smooth or weakly notched teeth, united by furrow that widens terminally, where it also becomes deeper. Larval forms slightly different, large instars having lower caudal processes. Sexual dimorphism relatively strong; males commonly more inflated in dorsal view than females. [Cythere gibba Müller, 1785] (Treatise, Q292, fig. 219:2; 220:4).
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