Neogene Marine
Biota of Tropical
Gardineroseris Scheer and Pillai, 1974.
Morphologic Description: Mounding or explanate colonies; thin
outer wall; short series surrounded by acute collines.
Morphologic Diagnosis: Colony Form: meandroid, Colony Shape:
massive, Budding: intramural, Columella: trabecular and discontinuous,
Corallite Size: medium (1.5 - 10mm), Wall Structure: synapticulothecal,
Lobes: none.
- Species (1 total):
- G. planulata (Dana, 1846); CC species #37 (extinct).
To view an SEM image.
Photograph: Scale bar is approx. 0.5 cm. Image is of SUI 63830
(Cercado Formation, Arroyo Bellaco, Dominican Republic. Late Miocene).
Synonyms: None.
Morphologic Description:
- Colony Form: meandroid
- Colony Shape: Massive
- Budding Type: intramural
- Corallite Diameter: 2.9-4.9 mm
- Calical Relief: high
- Septa Per Calice: 27-50
- Lobes: none
- Columella Structure: trabecular and discontinuous
- Wall Structure: synapticulothecal
Holotype: YPM 4309 (Locality: unknown, probably Indo-Pacific.
- Late Oligocene: Tabera Group, Dominican Republic.
- Late Miocene: Cercado and Mao Formations, Dominican Republic.
- Late Miocene to Early Pliocene: Gurabo Formation, Dominican
- Early Late Pliocene: Pinecrest Sandstone, Florida.
- Late Late Pliocene: Unda core (BDP), Bahamas.
Last updated on October 24, 1996-afb.
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