Diploria bowersi Vaughan, 1917
Synonymy: Holotype: USNM 68289 Morphologic Description:
- Meander series sinuosity: gently curved
- Colony size: medium (10-30cm)
- Attachment of skeleton: attached
- Wall development between buds: most
- Symmetry of bud geometry: multi-directional
- Calice or valley width: small (<5mm)
- Calice relief: medium (2-4mm)
- Calicular platform shape: u-shaped
- Coenosteum: wide (> valley width)
- Exothecal dissepiments: present
- Number of septal cycles: '3
- Septal spacing (per 5mm): <6
- Relative septa thickness: equal
- Relative costae thickness: equal
- Continuity of costae: continuous
- Septal lobes: absent
- Paliform lobes: present
- Columella continuity: continuous
- Columella width: 1/3
- Endothecal dissepiments: few
- Wall structure: septothecal
- Double or single wall: single