Agaricia grahamae Wells, 1973.
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Photograph: Scale bar is approx. 0.8 cm. Image is of SUI 63952 (Discovery Bay, Jamaica, collected at 40 m. Recent).
Synonyms: None.
Morphologic Description:
Colony Form: meandroidColony Shape: plates; flat or gently curvedColline Characteristics: lowSeries Length: long Budding Type: intramuralCorallite Diameter: 2.0-2.9 mmSepta Per Corallite: 18-28 Lobes: noneColumella Structure: trabecular and discontinuousColumella Development: prominentWall Structure: synapticulothecal
Holotype: USNM 53487 (Discovery Bay, Jamaica. Recent).
Plio-Pleistocene: Moin Formation, Costa Rica. Recent: Caribbean.
Last updated on February 15, 1997-afb.
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