MorphCharName MCharDefinition CharStateName CharStateDefinition CharStateGIF
Colony form The general arrangement of corallites within a colony plocoid Corallites separated by coenosteum plocoid.gif
Colony form The general arrangement of corallites within a colony subplocoid Corallites sometimes separated by coenosteum subcerio.gif
Colony form The general arrangement of corallites within a colony cerioid Corallites juxtaposed cerioid.gif
Colony form The general arrangement of corallites within a colony meandroid Corallites arranged in multiple series meandroi.gif
Colony form The general arrangement of corallites within a colony flabelloid Corallites arranged in single series flabelli.gif
Colony form The general arrangement of corallites within a colony phaceloid Corallites separated by void space phaceloi.gif
Colony form The general arrangement of corallites within a colony solitary Corallum formed by only one individual solitary.gif
Centers per series Numbers of corallites per series or valley 1-3 1-3 centers per series or valley fewcent.gif
Centers per series Numbers of corallites per series or valley 2-5 2-5 centers per series or valley medcent.gif
Centers per series Numbers of corallites per series or valley >5 >5 centers per series or valley manycen.gif
Series Length The length of a corallite series or valley short (<3cm) Short series or valleys (<3 cm) shortval.gif
Series Length The length of a corallite series or valley medium (2-5cm) Medium-length series or valley (2-5 cm) medval.gif
Series Length The length of a corallite series or valley long (>5cm) Long series or valleys (>5 cm) longval.gif
Meander series sinuosity The curvature of a corallite series or valley straight Straight series or valleys glosa11a.gif
Meander series sinuosity The curvature of a corallite series or valley gently curved Gently curved series or valleys glosa11b.gif
Meander series sinuosity The curvature of a corallite series or valley sinuous Sinuous series or valleys glosa11c.gif
Colony shape The overall shape of a colony massive Mound-shaped of encrusting colony massive.gif
Colony shape The overall shape of a colony branching Branching colony branchin.gif
Colony shape The overall shape of a colony platy Flattened colony with calices on only one side plates.gif
Colony size The overall diameter of a colony small (<10cm) Colony <10 cm in diameter none
Colony size The overall diameter of a colony medium (10-30cm) Colony 10-30 cm in diameter none
Colony size The overall diameter of a colony large (>30cm) Colony >30 cm in diameter none
Attachment of skeleton The attachment of a colony to the substrate attached Colony attached to substrate attached.gif
Attachment of skeleton The attachment of a colony to the substrate free-living Colony unattached to substrate freeliv.gif
Branch distance The spacing between branches in a colony (from outside wall to outside wall) 1-3mm Narrow distance between branches narbran.gif
Branch distance The spacing between branches in a colony (from outside wall to outside wall) 3-5mm Wide distance between branches widbran.gif
Epitheca Non-trabecular skeletal sheath along outside colony margin well-developed Epitheca well-developed epiwel.gif
Epitheca Non-trabecular skeletal sheath along outside colony margin reduced Epitheca reduced epired.gif
Epitheca Non-trabecular skeletal sheath along outside colony margin absent Epitheca absent epiabs.gif
Budding type The position of new buds relative to the parent corallite wall intramural Mostly intramural (within the wall of the parent corallite) intramur.gif
Budding type The position of new buds relative to the parent corallite wall extramural Mostly extramural (outside of the wall of the parent corallite) extramur.gif
Budding type The position of new buds relative to the parent corallite wall none None budnone.gif
Wall development between buds The frequency of corallite walls between intramural buds always Walls always develop between new intramural buds glosb2a.gif
Wall development between buds The frequency of corallite walls between intramural buds most Walls develop between most new intramural buds (~2/3) glosb2b.gif
Wall development between buds The frequency of corallite walls between intramural buds few Walls develop between a few new intramural buds (~1/3) glosb2c.gif
Wall development between buds The frequency of corallite walls between intramural buds never Walls never develop between new intramural buds glosb2d.gif
Symmetry of bud geometry The positioning of new buds relative to the parent multi-directional New buds form in multiple directions glosb3a.gif
Symmetry of bud geometry The positioning of new buds relative to the parent bi-directional New buds form in two directions glosb3b.gif
Symmetry of bud geometry The positioning of new buds relative to the parent uni-directional New buds form in one direction glosb3c.gif
Calice or valley width The internal diameter of a corallite or corallite series (valley) small (<5mm) Small (<5mm) crsizsm.gif
Calice or valley width The internal diameter of a corallite or corallite series (valley) medium (1.5-10 mm) Medium (1.5-10 mm) crsizme.gif
Calice or valley width The internal diameter of a corallite or corallite series (valley) large (10-15mm) Large (10-15mm) crsizlg.gif
Calice or valley width The internal diameter of a corallite or corallite series (valley) very large (>15mm) Very large (>15mm) crsizvl.gif
Calice relief The height of a corallite or corallite series (valley) low (<2mm) Low (<2 mm) glosc2a.gif
Calice relief The height of a corallite or corallite series (valley) medium (2-4mm) Medium (2-4 mm) glosc2b.gif
Calice relief The height of a corallite or corallite series (valley) high (4-10mm) High (4-10 mm) glosc2c.gif
Calice relief The height of a corallite or corallite series (valley) very high (>10mm) Very high (>10 mm) glosc2d.gif
Calicular platform shape The slope of the septal margins v-shaped Gently inclined septal margins glosc4a.gif
Calicular platform shape The slope of the septal margins u-shaped Steeply sloping septal margins glosc4b.gif
Coenosteum Skeleton between corallites within a colony absent None glosd1a.gif
Coenosteum Skeleton between corallites within a colony fused walls Highly reduced glosd1b.gif
Coenosteum Skeleton between corallites within a colony narrow (< valley width) Narrow (< valley width) glosd1c.gif
Coenosteum Skeleton between corallites within a colony medium (= valley width) Medium (= valley width) glosd1d.gif
Coenosteum Skeleton between corallites within a colony wide (> valley width) Wide (> valley width) glosd1e.gif
Exothecal dissepiments Horizontal partitions outside of the corallite wall absent Absent glosd4a.gif
Exothecal dissepiments Horizontal partitions outside of the corallite wall present Present glosd4b.gif
Number of septal cycles Number of types of septa with different lengths and thicknesses 3 Three complete glose1a.gif
Number of septal cycles Number of types of septa with different lengths and thicknesses >3 More than three complete glose1b.gif
Number of septal cycles Number of types of septa with different lengths and thicknesses <4 Nearly four complete glose1c.gif
Number of septal cycles Number of types of septa with different lengths and thicknesses >4 More than four complete glose1d.gif
Costa development Length and thickness of costa beyond the corallite wall reduced or absent Reduced or absent costabs.gif
Costa development Length and thickness of costa beyond the corallite wall well-developed Well-developed costwell.gif
Septal spacing (per 5mm) Spacing between septa <6 Wide (< 6 septa per 5 mm) glose2a.gif
Septal spacing (per 5mm) Spacing between septa 6-12 Medium (6-12 septa per 5 mm) glose2b.gif
Septal spacing (per 5mm) Spacing between septa >12 Narrow (>12 septa per 5 mm) glose2c.gif
Relative septa thickness Relative thickness of major and minor septa equal Thickness of septa in different cycles equal glose4a.gif
Relative septa thickness Relative thickness of major and minor septa unequal Thickness of septa in different cycles unequal glose4b.gif
Relative costae thickness Relative thickness of major and minor costae equal Thickness of costae in different cycles equal glose7a.gif
Relative costae thickness Relative thickness of major and minor costae unequal Thickness of costae in different cycles unequal glose7b.gif
Continuity of costae Continuity of costae among adjacent corallite continuous Costae continue from one corallite to another glose8a.gif
Continuity of costae Continuity of costae among adjacent corallite dis-continuous Costae of neighboring corallites are distinct glose8b.gif
Septal and paliform lobes Vertical structures associated with septal margins pali Pali or vertical pillars developed along inner septal margins pali.gif
Septal and paliform lobes Vertical structures associated with septal margins sometimes paliform Trabecular offsets developed along inner septal margins paliform.gif
Septal and paliform lobes Vertical structures associated with septal margins sometimes septal Additional trabecular fans developed along inner septal margins lobes.gif
Septal and paliform lobes Vertical structures associated with septal margins none No additional vertical skeletal elements along inner septal margins nolobes.gif
Septal lobes Additional trabecular fans developed along inner septal margins absent No additional trabecular fans along inner septal margins none
Septal lobes Additional trabecular fans developed along inner septal margins present Additional trabecular fans developed along inner septal margins none
Paliform lobes Trabecular offsets developed along inner septal margins absent No trabecular offsets along inner septal margins none
Paliform lobes Trabecular offsets developed along inner septal margins present Trabecular offsets developed along inner septal margins none
Columella structure The overall form of the central axial structure within a corallite trabecular & continuous Spongy columella that continues between corallite centers trabcont.gif
Columella structure The overall form of the central axial structure within a corallite trabecular & discontinuous Spongy and discrete columella trabdisc.gif
Columella structure The overall form of the central axial structure within a corallite styliform Solid, projecting columella to which the septa are fused by secondary stereome styliform.gif
Columella structure The overall form of the central axial structure within a corallite lamellar Plate-like columella oriented parallel to the long axis of a corallite or corallite series lamell.gif
Columella structure The overall form of the central axial structure within a corallite absent Lacking a columella nocolum.gif
Columella continuity The conitnuity of the central axial structure among corallites within series continuous Columella continues between corallite centers within series none
Columella continuity The conitnuity of the central axial structure among corallites within series dis-continuous Corallite centers within series have discrete columellae none
Columella development The diameter or width of the central axial structure within a corallite weak Thin columella (< 1/4 of the corallite width) none
Columella development The diameter or width of the central axial structure within a corallite well-developed Medium-sized or thick columella (>1/3 of the corallite width) none
Columella width The diameter or width of the central axial structure within a corallite <=1/4 Thin columella (< 1/4 of the corallite width) tncolum.gif
Columella width The diameter or width of the central axial structure within a corallite 1/3 Medium-sized columella (~1/3 of the corallite width) medcolum.gif
Columella width The diameter or width of the central axial structure within a corallite 1/2 Thick columella (~1/2 of the corallite width) tkcolum.gif
Endothecal dissepiments Horizontal partitions within the corallite wall reduced Rare or few endothecal dissepiments none
Endothecal dissepiments Horizontal partitions within the corallite wall well-developed Abundant endothecal dissepiments none
Endothecal dissepiments Horizontal partitions within the corallite wall rare Rare endothecal dissepiments rarendo.gif
Endothecal dissepiments Horizontal partitions within the corallite wall few Few endothecal dissepiments fewendo.gif
Endothecal dissepiments Horizontal partitions within the corallite wall abundant Abundant endothecal dissepiments abunendo.gif
Wall structure The structure of skeleton enclosing a corallite parathecal Corallite wall formed by dissepiments parathec.gif
Wall structure The structure of skeleton enclosing a corallite septothecal Corallite wall formed by thickening of the septa septothe.gif
Wall structure The structure of skeleton enclosing a corallite septothecal or parathecal Corallite wall formed by thickening of the septa and/or dissepiments parasept.gif
Wall structure The structure of skeleton enclosing a corallite synapticulothecal Corallite wall formed by rings of synapticulae (horizontal rods between septa) synap.gif
Wall structure The structure of skeleton enclosing a corallite None No wall nowall.gif
Double or single wall Number of vertical partitions forming the corallite wall single Single partition forming the corallite wall single.gif
Double or single wall Number of vertical partitions forming the corallite wall double Double partition forming the corallite wall double.gif