Bryozoan Systematics Bibliography
Audouin, J.V.
1826. Explication sommaire des planches (Mollusques - Annelides - Crustacés
- Arachnides - Insectes - Echinodermes - Zoophytes - Ascidies - Polypes
- Hydrophytes - Oiseaux) dont les dessins ont été fournis
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Bassler, R.S.
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Busk, G.
1854. Catalogue of marine Polyzoa in the collection of the British
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1859. Zoophytology: On some Madeiran Polyzoa. Collected by J. Yates
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1860. Zoophytology: Catalogue of the Polyzoa collected by J.Y. Johnson,
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1884. Report on the Polyzoa collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the
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Canu, F., and Bassler, R.S.
1917. A synopsis of American Early Tertiary cheilostome Bryozoa. Bulletin
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1918. Bryozoa of the Canal Zone and related areas. Bulletin of the
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1919. Fossil Bryozoa from the West Indies. Publication of the Carnegie
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1923. North American Later Tertiary and Quaternary Bryozoa. Bulletin
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1927a. Bryozoaires des Iles Hawaï. Bulletin de la Société
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1927b. Classification of the cheilostomatous Bryozoa. Proceedings of
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1928a. Fossil and Recent Bryozoa of the Gulf of Mexico region. Proceedings
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1928b. Les bryozoaires du Maroc et de Mauritanie, 2me mémoire.
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1928c. Bryozoaires du Brésil. Bulletin de la Société
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1930. The bryozoan fauna of the Galapagos Islands. Proceedings of the
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Gabb, W.M., and Horn, G.H.
1862. Monograph of the fossil Polyzoa of the Secondary and Tertiary
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Gordon, D.P.
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Hastings, A.B.
1930. Cheilostomatous Polyzoa from the vicinity of the Panama Canal
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Hincks, T.
1862. A catalogue of the zoophytes of South Devon and South Cornwall.
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1880a. A history of the British marine Polyzoa, vol. 2. John Van Voorst,
London, 601 pp.
1880b. Contributions towards a general history of the marine Polyzoa.
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1881a. Contributions towards a general history of the marine Polyzoa.
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1882a. Contributions towards a general history of the marine Polyzoa.
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1882b. Report on the Polyzoa of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Annals
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MacGillivray, P.H.
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1949. Some Bryozoa from the Brazilian coast. Comunicaciones Zoologicas
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Last updated on October 15, 1997-jlc.