Notes on systematic and nomenclatural changes between the current bivalve
and gastropod systematic lists and bivalve life habits database and gastropod
diets database.
Jonathan A. Todd
Department of Palaeontology, The Natural History Musem,
Cromwell Road, London, U.K. SW7 5BD
Systematic changes since creation of ‘Bivalve life habit dataset’
B1) Species previously referred to Amusium Röding, 1798
in the regional literature for both fossil and Recent taxa are currently
under revision (Waller, 1991). These species are here treated under three
genus-level groups, Amusium (sensu stricto), “Euvola” and
Euvola (“Oppenheimopecten”) (T. Smith pers. comm.
B2) Neotropical Flabellipecten require revision and are
currently referred to as “Flabellipecten” (T. Smith pers. comm.
B3) Following Olsson (1961), Leptopecten is now divided
into two subgenera, Leptopecten ( L.) and L. (Pacipecten).
B4) Lyropecten (Nodipecten) is now elevated to
genus Nodipecten following the systematics of J. Smith (1991).
B5) Lucina (Lepilucina) has been elevated in rank
to genus Lepilucina (J. D. Taylor pers. comm. 2001).
B6) Lucina (Lucinisca) has been elevated in rank
to genus Lucinisca.
B7) The misspelling Hastasia (of Olsson, 1961) has been
corrected to Hatasia Gray.
B8) Specimens assigned to Norbicula Iredale, 1930 have
been re-identified as Varicorbula Grant & Gale, 1931 (L. Anderson
pers. comm.).
Systematic changes since creation of ‘Gastropod diet dataset’
G1) Puncturella (Esmeria) Olsson, 1964 has been elevated
to generic level and replaced by its senior synonym Altrix Palmer,
1942, following McLean & Geiger, 1998.
G2) Cingula (Microdochus) Rehder, 1943 is now
synonymized with the genus Elachisina Dall, 1918 and placed in the
Rissoidea: Elachisinidae (see Ponder 1985).
G3) Theodoxus (Vittoclithon) H. B. Baker, 1923
is now synonymized under the genus Vitta Mörch, 1852.
G4) Siliquaria Bruguière, 1789 has been replaced
by its objective senior synonym Tenagodus Guettard, 1770 (Bieler,
G5) Specimens identified as Tectarius Valenciennes, 1832
have now been subsumed within Cenchritis von Martens, 1900.
G6) Mitra (Fusimitra) Conrad, 1865 is now recognized
as a distinct mitrid genus.
G7) Hindsia A. Adams, 1851 has been replaced by its objective
senior synonym Nassaria (Nassaria) Link, 1807 (Cernohorsky,
G8) Crepidula is now treated under 3 subgenera C.
(C.), C. (Bostrycapulus) Olssen & Harbison, 1953
and C. (Ianacus) Mörch, 1852.
G9) Bezanconia probably belongs to the Cerithiidae and
has been placed there.
G10) Following Warén's (1983) suggestion, Balcis
Leach, 1847 has been synoymized with Melanella Bowditch, 1822.
BIELER R. 1992. Tenagodus or Siliquaria? Unraveling
taxonomic confusion in marine “worm-snails” (Cerithioidea: Siliquariidae).
The Nautilus, 106: 15-20.
CERNOHORKY, W. O. 1984. Systematics of the family Nassariidae
(Mollusca: Gastropoda). Auckland Institute and Museum. Bulletin, 14: iv,
356p : ill.
MCLEAN, J. H. and GEIGER, D. L. 1998. New genera and species
having the Fissurisepta shell form, with a generic-levl phylogenetic analysis
(Gastropoda: Fissurellidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History
Museum of Los Angeles County, 475, 32 pp.
OLSSON, A. A. 1961. Mollusks of the tropical eastern Pacific,
particularly from the southern half of the Panamic-Pacific faunal province
(Panama to Peru). Panamic-Pacific Pelecypoda. Palaeontological Research
Institution, Ithaca. 574 pp.
PONDER, W. F. 1985. The anatomy and relationships of Elachisina
Dall (Gastropoda: Rissoacea). Journal of Molluscan Studies, 51: 23-34.
SMITH, J. T. 1991. Cenozoic giant pectinids from California and
the Tertiary Caribbean Province: Lyropecten, “Macrochlamis”,
and Nodipecten species. U. S. Geological Survey Professional
Paper, 1391: v, 155 pp, 38 pls.
WALLER, T. R. 1991. Evolutionary relationships among commercial
scallops (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Pectinidae). Pp. 1-73 In Shumway, S. E. (ed.),
Scallops: biology, ecology and aquaculture. (Developments in Aquaculture
and Fisheries Science, 21). Elsevier, Amsterdam. xx, 1095 pp.
WARÉN, A. 1983. A generic revision of the Family Eulimidae.
The Journal of Molluscan Studies, Supplement 13., 96pp.
Last updated on March 27, 2001-tsa.