Steve Jones, 1999-2000, dynamic searches for bivalve, foram, and fish taxa
Matt Burreson, 1999, Dominican Republic maps
James Klaus, 1999, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Curacao maps and stratigraphic columns
Tom Warning, 2000, Costa Rica and Panama maps
(2) National Science Foundation Grant DEB-0102544 (8/1/01-7/31/03) : "NMITA (Phase II): Integrating interactive identification keys, distribution maps, and stratigraphic columns with the Neogene Marine Biota of Tropical America WWW Database". (PI = A.F. Budd; co-PI = C.T. Foster, Jr.) with matching funds from the University of Iowa
with supplemental REU support for:
Ethan Kerns, 2002-present, Pollyclave Identification Key for the coral family Poritidae, and Instructional Aids (South Florida Biofacies)
(3) National Science Foundation Grant EAR-0445789 (2 yrs., 5/01/05-4/30/07, $102,421); “Collaborative Research: A Depositional and Paleoecological model of Neogene Reef Development in the Dominican Republic: Integrating Taxonomic and Chronostratigraphic Databases”. (Lead PI = A.F. Budd)
(4) Iowa Informatics Initiative Grant (2004), $30,141 (with C.T. Foster as co-PI)
**Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed
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and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation**.